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1. Hospital Management System

In this tutorial we will learn how to build django project on Hospital Management System.
Project will contain,
1) Admin
2) Receptionist

1) Admin can,
     1. Add doctors
     2. Delete doctors
     3. Manage Salary of doctors
     4. Also can see Patients
     5. See appointments

2) Receptionist can,
     1. Add Patient
     2. Delete Patient
     3. View Patient
     4. Delete Patient
     5. Add appointment
     6. View appointment
     7. Delete appointment

Software used: 
Django 3.0.5
python 3.7
IDE used - VS
Database - sqlite (no need to any other installation as it exist in django already)


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3. Creating App in Django

1.  Before creating app you should be in virtual environment. I assume that you have already installed django in your virtual environment.  Command for working on virtual environment is, workon test (test is name of virtual environment) 2.  For creating app just type a command     django-admin startapp hospital 3. Now you can see that new folder is created in your django folder with name 'hospital'. 4. and in this way your new app is  created. 5. The new app created have following files, 6. In this folder we will develop our hospital management system. 7. Now to know django that you have created app, you must do some changes in file. for that just go in installed app in file 8. and there just add your app name like following,

2. Let's start project

1. Open cmd 2. Then go to the folder where you want to save your project like this, 3. After that just type command to start django project, django-admin startproject <name_of_project> As I have given project name as hospital_managemet_system hence my command is like as shown in above image. After pressing enter you will see hospital_management_system project folder is created at that location. 4. After opening this folder you will see one folder name as hospital_management_system and a file name called And inside hospital_management_system folder there are four files named,, and 5. Here setup for django project is completed.