1. For creating templates just create new folder called ' templates' in your project, where we will save all html templates 2. Now go in settings folder and in templates section, add name ' templates' in DIRS like shown in fig., 3. Create new html page file in templates folder name as ' navbar.html' & ' 'home.html' which will use for creating navigation bar in all our templates. 4. In navbar.html, navigation bar for our website which will be created using bootstrap. {% load static %} Hospital management system In home.html, Homepage code should be like, {% extends 'navbar.html' %} {% load static %} {% block body %} Multispecialist Hospital Choose Your Hospital Like Your Life Depends on It {% endblock %} 5.Now create urls.py file in your ' hospital' (App Name) folder 6. In ...
This is django hospital management system project tutorial in which you will learn to build fully functional hospital management project in python (django) from basics